Maccabee of the Month: Deondray Radford - Maccabee Task Force

Meet Deondray Radford, a student at Ohio State University, your Maccabee of the Month.

Deondray is a remarkable student leader, whose passion for Israel is evident in his various leadership roles on campus. As an ambassador of Mishelanu and an active member of OSU’s Student Government, he tirelessly represents Israeli culture, educating his peers and advocating for Israel and Jewish students.

Deondray has led countless pro-Israel initiatives on campus. This includes his pivotal role in the Jewish and Black Fellowship. Through his strategic planning and organization of events, he was able to engage hundreds of students, creating a platform for education about Israel and fostering stronger bonds between the Jewish and black communities.

However, Deondray’s advocacy work is not without its challenges, as he has witnessed instances of antisemitism on his campus through his friendships with the Jewish community. Instead of remaining silent, Deondray has taken a proactive stance, working tirelessly to ensure that these issues are addressed and resolved under his leadership.

It’s clear that Deondray’s experience on the Fact Finders trip has had a profound impact on his advocacy work. Through the knowledge he gained and the connections he made, he has become an even stronger advocate for Israel, determined to overcome any obstacles that may arise. When asked about his future as a pro-Israel leader, Deondray expressed his enthusiasm for continuing to educate and inspire others, and to create a more positive and inclusive environment for Israel on campus. He states:

“The thing I’m looking most forward to in the upcoming semester is joining USG (Student Government). I felt like last year, when the BDS resolution came to a house vote, I thought there really weren’t any allies or Jewish voices on Senate. So hopefully next year, being a senator on USG, I can give a voice to the community that didn’t really have a voice before and make a change. ” 

Deondray continues to build bridges and connect to Israel through his numerous leadership roles.

Maccabee Task Force is proud to support Deondray and the thriving community of pro-Israel students at Ohio State University. By providing tools and funding to help support critical pro-Israel initiatives at OSU — such as a Fact Finder mission to Israel, advocacy trainings, Israel Shabbats and coalition building events – we are helping Deondray and his peers ensure the OSU campus remain a safe place for Zionist and Jewish students.

“The trip really gave me a deeper understanding of Israel, a love and a connection to the place, because for so long, when I thought of Israel, it really wasn’t the truth that was displayed in the media.” -Deondray Radford